Wesley has been doing improv comedy since the begining of 2005. Despite this, he will not write a fake and 'witty' bio about his being raised by clowns until he was abducted by aliens who taught him how to do be funny.
Born and raised in Nashville, TN, Wesley moved to Austin, TX, in 2000 after attending a number of years at the University of Alabama where he graduated with a degree in English Literature and a minor in Creative Writing. Wesley seeks to bring realistic characters, situations, and reactions to I Snood Bear's unique form of improvisational theater and storytelling style. His long-term goals are to make improvisation into the "theater of the real" and to use the artform as a vocalization of his generation's concerns, hopes, dreams, fears, and unique sense of humor.
Wesley was a founding member of the Austin-based improv troupe Parallelogramophonograph, an early member of sketch group Hoover's Blanket, and a proud member of the Heroes of Comedy. Besides countless stage shows, Wesley has used his improvisational skills in situations as diverse as giving improvised art tours at the Blanton Museum, helping with corporate training programs, and coaching new players through classes and jams.
On May 3rd, 2008, Wesley married his troupemate and the love of his life, Christina.
Although, in all seriousness, his mother really is a clown.